Supported Living Housing (SID)

On the site of the old house in Chalandri, a modern two-storey building has been erected through the Public Investment program, which includes workshops on the first floor and a Supported Living Shelter on the second floor.

The declaration of the International Disability Alliance to the committee on the United Nations Disability Treaty, the World Program of Action and its executive tool, the Standard Rules , call for a more anthropocentric approach to disability based on the human rights of a minority social group at risk of discrimination against it, to replace the medical – social model that prevailed in our country until a few years ago.

The basic human rights of people with disabilities are defined as follows:

• Dignity

• Self-determination

• Freedom

• Equality

• Social justice

However, it is an unfortunate fact that even in modern 21st century Western societies, the usual violation of the basic rights of people with disabilities, namely self-determination and personal freedom, equal opportunities in education, work and quality of life, as well as personal development.

The institution of living of people with N.Y. and / or multiple disabilities in housing is based on: a) the fundamental right of every individual to a decent supported living that enables him to develop his skills and abilities to the fullest extent possible in order to live as autonomously and actively as possible in society and natural environment and b) the obligation of the State to ensure this possibility to people with N.Y.
In this context, PEGAP-NY aims to align its operation with the modern challenges and the expansion of its services through the organization and operation of a modern Boarding School-S.Y.D. with a capacity of six (6) people in the area of ​​Chalandri in Attica. PEGAP-NY aspires through the proposed intervention to enable people with severe and moderate mental retardation to feel that they are in a family, protected, healthy and safe environment.
The pilot program entitled “Operation of a Boarding School – SYD for 6 people in Chalandri, Attica”, is part of the OP. “Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013” and in the action category “Prevention of institutionalization and stigmatization of the disabled” (organization and operation of Supported Living Homes – SYD). The Project is funded by the Operational Program “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 2007-2013”, under the NSRF, the European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.
The structure of Halandri has 4 dormitories of autonomous living, each with private bathroom, properly designed and equipped according to national and international standards, as well as the appropriate common areas for the operation of a full boarding school-S.Y.D. Specifically, the boarding school of Chalandri includes:
• 3 double dormitories
• 1 dormitory for staff.
All dormitories are equipped and functionally designed in such a way as to serve the needs of the occupants with individual WC, spacious reception area, kitchen and other common areas. In any case, the spaces meet the specifications set by no. Π3Β / Φ.ΓΕΝ / Γ.Π.οικ.3394 /10.1.07 (ΦΕΚ74 / Β / 29.1.2007) decision.