The Day Center for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities is addressed to the beneficiaries of PEGKAP-NY that are above 50 years of age, and their neurological and psychosocial state demands a different approach and special plan.

The goal of the creation of our new specialized group is to be able to occupy elder beneficiaries with low-demand activities that promote the entertainment of the individual as well as occupy him/her creatively. Music, cognitive skills enhancement activities, dance, exercise, entertainment, free time, community visits, and small excursions are some of the activities on a daily basis.

The premises provided for this Department are the most suitable for its use, since there is an easy access to it from the road (wheelchair route in road level), as well as an outside yard. The indoor premises consist of a large and fully operational space that promotes the safe transfer and easy access to the hygiene space. There is also a kitchen area that can be used for recreational activities, or for the preparation of intermediate meals and beverages. The storing space is adequate and convenient for the storing of educational materials. The Center is also open for Elderly Disabled Individuals from neighboring Municipalities in Attica.