Who we are
PEGKAP-NY (Greek Union of Parents & Guardians of Mentally Disabled Individuals & Children) was founded in 1960, from Parents & Guardians of M. D. Individuals. It is a non-profit Charity Organization.
PEGKAP-NY is administered by the Board of Directors, that get elected through a General Meeting every three years. Our primary vision and purpose are to offer supportive and inclusive services designed to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities, independently of the gender, the age of the individual, as well as care for the proper development and their smooth integration & embodiment in society.
We provide with specialized educational and therapeutic programs based on each individual’s special needs of all ages, from their adultness and for however much it is deemed necessary.

Our Vision
Back in the 60s, PEGKAP-NY was founded by pioneering organizations in developing actions that enhance and improve the quality of life, as well as establish the fundamental rights of I.D. individuals. Fifty years later, we feel the need to make a step forward, from simply establishing rights for the active participation of an individual, to a holistic approach that wants the individual to be able to express his/ her own needs. This approach demands a series of cooperations, partnerships, where we work alongside, not only with the particular individual, but with all the aspects of his/ her life. We cooperate with the community in order to form social networks that will ease the integration of the individual (educational frameworks, job search, employers and more). In this active process we consider as a fundamental pillar the individual’s family and environment. By working alongside with the family, we manage to achieve a timely, effective and complete intervention, while we simultaneously create the social paths (central government, EU) that will help the individual from his/ her first moment and as far it is needed (early intervention).